I’m having a tiny holiday, or art retreat by the sea. I’m staying with a friend who, thankfully knows me well and simply said ‘sure!’ when I asked if I could bring a vast quantity of paint, sketchbooks and boards with me.
We have travelled to the coast together, with my folding camping table (portable studio I reasoned) and painting paraphernalia squeezing in quite happily alongside her three dogs and everything else we might need.
So far I’ve…
Sketched people on the beach
Drawn the view
Sketched the bramble hedge that surrounds us
Tried to capture a distant view from the dry sanctuary of the vehicle (having had to make a hasty retreat from a nice bench due to a heavy downpour!)
Been working on some of the 20 wooden boards I also bought with me
I ordered then primed the boards before I left. I’ve been keen to experiment with working on wood and the possibility it affords for building up layers of paint and marks.
I’ve been working on some abstracts, and inspired by yesterday’s incredibly wet and wild weather, some more pieces based around the shipping forecast.
I’ve made a little video of some of my work on these done today but have just discovered I can’t upload it here without my computer! So much for my idea of adding a Timelapse video as it’s Tuesday!
I’m struggling with signal to even add some photos to tide you over.